"For those patients who can't wait for the future"
"For those patients who can't wait for the future"
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Why We're Here
Why We're Here
The Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society was established in 1988 after RCMP Constable Bruce Denniston was diagnosed with le​ukemia in 1987. His only hope for long term survival was a bone marrow transplant. None of his siblings were compatible donors, so an unrelated donor was sought. Canada's unrelated bone marrow donor registry was in its infancy at the time and had few registered donors. Bruce’s colleagues in the RCMP, and the community of Powell River, BC rallied to his cause and spread the word about the need for donors, not only for Bruce but for all patients in similar circumstances. This led to a groundswell of initiatives across Canada.
Although a donor match was eventually found for Bruce the disease had ravaged his body for too long and he was unable to recover from the transplant.
The Society continues to raise money to help the Registry find donor matches as quickly and effectively as possible. It also provides volunteer couriers to hospitals in Vancouver, Ottawa and Hamilton to bring back bone marrow and stem cells from within Canada and around the world for bone marrow/stem cell transplant patients. The Society is committed to helping save as many lives as possible, providing every man, woman and child needing a bone marrow transplant with hope for a second chance at life.​
How to Donate Bone Marrow or Stem Cells
How to Donate Bone Marrow or Stem Cells
Joining the Canadian Stem Cell and Marrow Network is simple. If you’re between the ages of 17 and 35 and in good general health, you’re eligible to sign up. Visit Stem Cells for Life and follow the Seven Easy Steps to Register. Watch "Have You Got A Match?" to see the unexpected results your decision can render.
(If you registered as a bone marrow/stem cell donor when or before the registry was operating as One Match, you do not need to register again. If your personal information has changed or there has been a change in the status of your health, please call 1 888 2 DONATE: 1-888-236-6283).
Helping to save a life can be as easy as having blood taken from your arm with a needle, from which it flows into a centrifuge. This device filters out the stem cells, and the remaining blood is injected back into your arm with the same needle. The procedure takes place at the hospital or a day clinic.
To Learn More, Please Call:
To Learn More, Please Call:
1 (877) 485-8488
1 (877) 485-8488